It began with a desire to see myself as a part of the natural beauty around me, as belonging to the Earth.

Below are some of my first self portraits, from 2017/18 when I first moved from home to go to college in Humboldt, CA

Self portraiture quickly became an avenue for my artistic expression as I worked on my science degree

Simultaneously, this work provided me the opportunity to share myself authentically online through what I called “The Kain Project”. This project, originally based on Tumblr and now continued on an assortment of platforms, is in hopes of expanding community and meeting new people using magnetic content and the world wide web. The goal is to create a network of connection globally, specifically in the queer community, that I can engage and create with in the years to come.

Thus, “Kain” was born and my portfolio of self portraiture grew by the month. Below are some of my favorites:

The Rest

(By Theme)


Sand & Sea


Daffodil Season

The Barn


At Home

